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SMED: Single-Minute Exchange of Die. Quick Change Techniques - Drastically Reduced Line / Machine Format Change Times.

Changeover time is considered to be the time elapsed from the manufacture of the last piece of the previous batch to the first good part of the next batch at nominal speed of the machine or line.


The improvements can be classified into:
 - Organizational
 - Functional
 - Techniques


The application of the SMED methodology will bring:
 - Drastic reduction of the time dedicated to change and changes that are no longer tedious for operators
 - Reduction of delivery time and therefore customer service
 - Improvement of service quality (improvement of the performance in the later starts and first hours of production)
 - Improvement in the use of material.
 - Reduction of manufacturing costs
 - Increased availability and efficiency of the line
 - Means to achieve flexibility in plant. Possibility of using the time gained to change more or gain capacity
 - Early detection of problems, thus eliminating failures in the preparation of the machine and errors in the setting

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