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Introduction to Lean Manufacturing


Lean thinking focuses on eliminating waste in processes (for example, waste in excessive ongoing inventory and inventory of final products). Lean manufacturing focuses on increasing capacity, reducing costs and shortening the cycle time that elapses from when the order is received until the product is shipped to the customer.


Lean manufacturing aims to:
 - Specify value, which can only be defined by the end customer
 - Identify the value chain and show the enormous amount of NON ADDED VALUE
 - Create flow by reducing lot sizes and in-process inventory (WIP)
 - Allow the customer to pull the product through the value chain. That is, to manufacture only what the customer has requested
 - Search for perfection through continuous improvement and the elimination of all kinds of non-added value

The term "Lean Manufacturing" was coined by Americans to present Toyota's production system, Toyota Production System (TPS) , which gave it a clear competitive advantage over the rest.

The usefulness of Lean Thinking is none other than the investigation and elimination of NON ADDED VALUE with the aim of producing more with a lower consumption of resources.

Only with management support and full involvement of the employees it is possible to apply "Lean".

The Lean revolution achieved:
 - Go through the parts to see the complete system
 - Change priorities in companies
 - Change the basic approaches


We must "question" our most deeply held beliefs, proceed against "traditional common sense" and accept things that go "against intuition".

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